Hello, I have been having problems in the game for a few days due to excess of particles, I want to modify them much more transparent. I'm...
For those who aren't aware, with the 1.18 Economy Update didn't just add professions, but it also reworked several new areas into ones that act as...
Tips Don't level like this constantly, the game is meant to be enjoyed and for progression to come at its own pace Quests are always important to...
Hey! I'm Yerin, as you may know! I love to help out the community, and this was one of the things I thought about, a common rule of thumb is...
All Backgrounds in Full HD (1920x1080p): jpst <dot> it/2bBhw (unfortunately i can't post links yet, but you can find all in the list above) I...
(As a preface, this guide is meant for the 1.12 version of minecraft, although nothing should be different if you use a different version.) So,...
As the title states, if I am creating things for a build team application is it better I design them for wynncraft's resource pack or the...
Hey! So, I started playing WynnCraft about 3-4 days ago, and I love it. However, I am having an issue where the WynnPack on my computer is...
Having Wynncraft's resource pack automatically install when a player joins a world can be a bit laggy. In Guild Wars, if you have the resource...
I know this is asked a lot, but when ever I go to the world through the portal and into the actual game, the resource pack doesn't load. And I've...
My friend (GreenGeek1) keeps trying to log on, but he never gets the resource pack. We tried all of Salted's suggestions at...
This is a little suggestion I thought of just to optimize the resource pack experience for Wynn. This would combine a few GUIs into one master...
Hello again people of the internet I've been away for a little while and I'm having resource pack issues again. What's happening is that once the...
I want to play without the resource pack (cuz I think the landscape looks better in default) but since I got it It won't let me play without it....
I clicked no for the resource pack (I already have a custom one) and now I can't join the server. It doesn't give me another opportunity to press...
Hey! I might start making some models for a server resource pack including everything from weapons to enchantment tables. If I make it, the...
After all the posts were deleted I decided to repost my wynncraft texturepack. It's 32x32. The pictures are in the spoiler below: Download the...