i got 4 and i cant screenshot 4 of them for the fourms btw the discord tag just copy all of it then send me an invite: From here >>>>> Block727...
thats my discord if ya got a counter offer for me but: Block727 (Abu A.C.)#5575 my offer is 22LE.
i have some dm me on discord Block727 (Abu A.C.)#5575
In-game name: Block727 Number 1: 71 Number 2: 440 Number 3: 800 Number 4: 572 Number 5: 346 Number 6: 102 Number 7: 124
thanks bro i have always respected you and i might make those changes if i find some ok
nice start good luck finishing it looking forward to buying somthing from here
thats mean sayying nobody will buy my weaponds, thanks for the criticim now i know what to improve on.
this is my 10th random post if your reading this that means your interested with wat i have to say well then guess what you wasted your time
Just bought a legendary bow thanks DragonEngineer
i need feedback on my store anyone plzz let me know if my store need somthing.
yay found a mythic Bow cant wait to use it need 2 more levels
just did a feedback survey on Dragonengineer's Shop Of Stuff i give it 10/10 5star
oh about my store Credit to DragonEngineer for the design
Just created a new store come over and buy somthing
[ATTACH] Alas ye at my small barracks. I sell Armour, Weapons, Powders and Accessories . I sell them to low leveled players ranging from 25-45...
planning to create a shop to sell thing to low leveled players
ok i understand