You have won the auction, where would you like to meet and when?
Could be intresting if we could have a server event 1 day with a fight between Gaven and Wynn. It would be xtremely diffucult to set up buy also...
[ATTACH] -----------------------Auction----------------- Starting Bid 5 LE Bid increment 1 LE Buyout Price 20 LE ENDS THIS...
I am selling the Ghostly Cap for 32 EB. It is a cap needed for the quest The House Of Twain and is normally 1 LE. I can meet in Nesaak or Detlas
Hey I was just wondering how many Vainglory players there are on Wynncraft. I myself am a slightly active Vainglory player. You can reply with...
Class Levels:level 48 mage and lvl 40 warrior (yes i now im not level 50 but i would much like to con tribute to the guild and hopefully will...
Thanks you too
sorry i got another necklace from a quest that is better
32 Eb is my highest offer sorry its worth THAT much to me
32 EB?
32 Eb for the sage
how much for the 1st jester necklace?
1 LE for the bow is my bid
I could help you guys im a lvl 37 mage and my friend a lvl 40 archer, ive been walked through the dungeon so we could do it together.