I am mainly looking for new or returning players ages 14-18. My hobbies are gaming, music, reading. Idk if this post is appropriate in here tho,...
Im also a returning player, my username is sSVoidSoulSs if you wanna send a friend request in game
[IMG] Welcome to Gods of Fruma! (tag:MFP, MInecraft Fruma Province) The guild's main goal is to provide Wynncraft with a nice comunity guild. We...
You can join Gods of Fruma. It's a guild based on helping people, and community events. You need an application tho. I'll send you a link where...
Welcome to the guild! Type "/guild join MFP" when you're in-game! I will send a link to our discord, too!
You will soon be sent an invitiation to the guild in-game! Welcome to the guild, ZxRistos!
You could join my guild, we accept and help everyone! What's your discord name and tag? I'll invite you to discord, and there's an application...
You will soon be sent an invitiation to the guild in-game and our discord! Welcome to the guild, ALphaPick!
Welcome to the guild! You will soon be sent an invitation to our discord server! You'll be sent more information there!
Shoutout to the people who sent their application on discord! They helped a lot!
Accepted! You will be sent a discord link! Welcome to Gods of Fruma!
I had this guild created like a year ago, then transferred it to my brother for the last 7 months, so it isn't really new. Still, I hope i can...
[ATTACH] Welcome to Gods of Fruma! (tag:MFP, MInecraft Fruma Province) The guild's main goal is to provide Wynncraft witha nice comunity guild....
Playtime 32 hours Kills: 3677 mobs Total lvl: 136 Chests looted: 323 Discord username: Kála My time zone: On weekdays usually 2pm-20pm I play on...