IGN: Varianth *optional - Age: 17 Region (NA, EU, AS, OCE): NA(EST timezone) Highest class and Level: Archer 102 Reason for joining: Just...
IGN: Varianth Highest class lvl: 102 archer Gender-type: Male Reason you want to join: Just want to join a guild, played 90% of my time in Wynn...
;o do I get to bump
Just a small shop Shoot an offer down below!(if the item has multiples, then put which one!~) Meeting place is Detlas Rare's will have an R next...
>;c putting 5 le
Ill offer 2 LE
How much for aquarius with 6/4 and 18%? ill offer 6 LE
Im online at the moment if you are able to, will we be trading at detlas? If not now, I am on normally between 4 pm and 8 pm EST
Im fine with putting in 8 for both if that is enough
Ill buy Tesla for 1LE
Could I buy the Aquarius with 14% spell damage for 4 LE and a Memento with 4/4 and 18% and 120 spell damage for 7 LE?
Ill buy the Rainmaker
How much ya think i could get for this singu?
alrighty, ill be in the detlas bank
Could I buy 2 T6 Fire powders, and 3 T6 air earth water and thunder powders? (28 LE i think, u can give them to me in T4's if u want i guess xD)
Could i buy 3 T6 each of Water, Air, Thunder, and Earth Powders along with 2 T6 Fires?(should be 28 LE)