thank you for helping
I was just wondering if something i have is valuable its a map called master piece and it has a pig sheep and cow on it. or is it worthless?
It seems very cool. The only problem i have is walking on air you will be kicked for flying possibly. I'm giving a cool vote in poll voote
Yea i had trouble with this my first time as well but everyone has told you where it is no need for me to
The more you know
Wait you can reset when Gavel comes out?
Im gonna do the animal dungeon brb
two things 1.) It seems very powerful would it be a class like the assassin where you have to build up a certain amount of overall levels to use...
very true but if its a serious fight no one can back out of their bet (you should add a poll)
seems like a fair idea if it happened you know they cant run away with the gear they promised you
okay i one sold level 45 boots and got 2 emeralds so sometimes they steal your money but i see your point
oh i get it i thought it like a mini quest oops. still a good idea and still leaving the yes vote on poll
This is very simple. If you try to sell an item buyer something a screen with how many emeralds you would receive come's up and there is a green...
I like it sound like a good quest idea thats what im voting in poll
yea it guess it was a kind of bad idea
I spawned and lava and died happy memory's
well it like lets say you made a new guild invite 3 friend yay happy day then instead of just having a guild which doesn't help very much you...
My least favorite boss is the lava cow because it keeps respawning midbattle and once in one battle it respawned 16 times before i died