Not enough?
Ahri Atari has 10 chars
Foxes has 5 chars
10 / 5 = 2
What else has 2 ?
Yes You're right.
Chicken has 2 eyes and 1 Head
2 + 1 = 3
Illuminati has 3 Sides.
Ahri Atari has 9 letters.
Advantage has 9 letters.
Advantage. Advantage comes from the word abante.
The word abante is Latin.
Latin has 5 letters.
Greek has 5 letters.
Archimedes was Greek.
Archimedes invented pi
The pi day is in March
March. March is the 3rd month of the Gregorian calendar.
There are 3 sides to a triangle.
Do you know what uses triangles?
That's right! Bridges!
Bridge is a type of card game.
Cards. There are 4 aces in a standard deck of cards.
Ace. Ace is a hardware store.
Hardware has the word ware in it.
Ware is a type of pottery.
Pottery is ceramic act of making pottery wares.
Ceramic. Ceramic bloons are used in the game BTD3.
BTD3 has 4 characters. Do you know what else has 4 charecters?
Correct! n00b.
n00b is a term used for a bad gamer.
Gamer. A gamer usually has a form of computer.
Computer has 7 letters.
Selfish has 7 letters.
Futbol players can be selfish.
Futbol. Futbol was invented by England.
England hosted the Olympics in 2012.
England has 7 letters and Olympics has 8 letters.
8 - 7 = 1
There is one eye in the Illuminati triangle
Ahri Atari = Illuminati CONFIRMED!
Oh ;-; Fine, start again from the 3rd section
Gamer. A gamer usually has a form of computer.
Computer has 8 letters.
Cheaters has 8 letters.
Futbol players can be cheaters.
Futbol. Futbol was invented by England.
England hosted the Olympics in 2012.
England has 7 letters and Olympics has 8 letters.
8 - 7 = 1
There is one eye in the Illuminati triangle
Ahri Atari = Illuminati CONFIRMED!
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