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Comments on Profile Post by Bio

  1. TurtleTheSeawing
    Fine, take your est shot m8
    Mar 4, 2015
  2. Bio
    *uses assassin skillz to dodge hokes attacks, while behind him I use my knife that Merlin gave me that can break any shield. After I break the shield I stab hoke using Excalibur.*
    Mar 4, 2015
  3. TurtleTheSeawing
    *is still not damaged*
    Mar 4, 2015
  4. TurtleTheSeawing
    that shield breaking knife doesn't really work all that well m8.
    Mar 4, 2015
  5. Bio
    *sigh* i remember when you were a great warrior who would kill his opponents showing no mercy. Now you are just a great slug who will not even hurt a fly.
    Mar 4, 2015
  6. Bio
    *hands hoke a healing potion* you might need this for that BURN
    Mar 4, 2015
  7. TurtleTheSeawing
    Since when have I ever been a ruthless killing machine? I have always been friendly...
    Mar 4, 2015
  8. Bio
    *uses galaxy bomb to destroy everything including alternate universes, nothing cAn survive*
    Mar 4, 2015
  9. Bio
    Mar 4, 2015
  10. TurtleTheSeawing
    *is still alive no matter what happens because as long as shooting luvs him, he is invincible, the only way to make him vulnerable, is if shooting hated him*
    Mar 4, 2015
  11. TurtleTheSeawing
    Mar 4, 2015
  12. Bio
    (I will try that shooting hate thing later, now to stick with the plan) since you and shooting only used that shield for yourselves, everything died, you let salted, tantibus, shtafjord, everyone. Thus, you nor shooting have true love for anything else then yourselfs, and that, is true hatred.
    Mar 4, 2015
  13. Bio
    @McMasterx when a bomb explodes it explodes outward not inward.
    Mar 4, 2015
  14. TurtleTheSeawing
    You are going to ruin love just to kill for money?!?!? If that's not greed, I don't know what is.
    Mar 4, 2015
  15. TurtleTheSeawing
    also, I never said that it didn't protect my friends as well. I only said it protected me and Shooting
    Mar 4, 2015
  16. Bio
    You know I was just kidding about the money, right? The true reason that I try to kill you is that a member of the brother hood cannot have his strength challenged, plus I wanted to prove you could die :)
    Mar 4, 2015
  17. Bio
    And you know tantibus didn't pAy me. Lol
    Mar 4, 2015
  18. Bio
    He said himself he only gave me 1 idea
    Mar 4, 2015
  19. TurtleTheSeawing
    Well, whatever, that is still just... wrong... it's so wrong
    Mar 4, 2015
  20. Bio
    What is wrong?
    Mar 4, 2015
  21. Bio
    That you got defeated?
    Mar 4, 2015
  22. TurtleTheSeawing
    Killing an innocent Dragon, one that hasn't even tried to kill someone before, ruining love, ending that love forever so that it can't be recreated, that's just... low, and evil, and dark, and twisted, and wrong.
    Mar 4, 2015
  23. Bio
    Low, twisted dark, and wrong. You just described me m8
    Mar 4, 2015
  24. TurtleTheSeawing
    You are a terrible person if you want to kill, an innocent creature, and make a strong love end forever...
    just...just leave me alone, I don't want to talk to people that want to kill me
    *his RP depression takes over, he walks over to the corner and curls up, and starts to tear up*
    Mar 4, 2015
  25. Bio
    *as he crys he losses all emotions, and his shield goes dosn*
    Mar 4, 2015
  26. Bio
    Down* typo of the year
    Mar 4, 2015
  27. TurtleTheSeawing
    Fine then... Kill me... just do it... you really want to end me, and ruin love... fine, just do it *he sits there, curled up, his tears leave streaks on his face* DO IT!
    Mar 4, 2015
  28. Bio
    *his shield goes down and when it does I put a cage around him, putting the cage in a rocket, and sending it into a black hole*
    Mar 4, 2015
  29. Bio
    Thus, the conflicted is ended.
    Mar 4, 2015
  30. TurtleTheSeawing
    *is still alive, black holes don't do anything to him* *he comes back down* NO, IF YOU ARE MAN ENOUGH THEN JUST KILL ME! Don't do this bull crap where something else kills me, if you kill me, then you watch me die, right here and now, no backing out, if this is what you want, then do it YOURSELF
    Mar 4, 2015
  31. Bio
    *picks up excalibur* gladly
    Mar 4, 2015
  32. Bio
    *stabs hoke*
    Mar 4, 2015
  33. TurtleTheSeawing
    Mar 4, 2015
  34. Bio
    *teleports to shootings house and grabs daggers from the foxes assassin class and stabs hoke* there
    Mar 4, 2015
  35. TurtleTheSeawing
    *Still isn't affected* YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING!
    If you make a god feel this way, then you can't kill me! Only if I am not forced to feel these emotions, don't you understand this?
    Mar 4, 2015
  36. Bio
    Everything can die. And that's not how gods work!
    Mar 4, 2015
  37. TurtleTheSeawing
    That's how I work, I CAN die, you just can't force me to feel this way, you need to do it passively in order for me to actually die!
    Mar 4, 2015
  38. Bio
    Fine! I guess you death will have to wait for another day.
    Mar 4, 2015
  39. TurtleTheSeawing
    *growls angrily* *rushes at Bio, tackling Bio down* LEAVE ME ALONE! I DON'T WANT TO DIE, AND I WILL NEVER ALLOW YOU TO KILL ME! *he shouts in Bio's face angrily* SO STOP TRYING! *picks up Bio, and throws him across the room*
    Mar 4, 2015
  40. Bio
    (Sorry for not responding I thought we were done) we were in a room? And I Will NEVER stop trying to kill you,
    Mar 4, 2015
  41. Bio
    that I promise.
    Mar 4, 2015
  42. TurtleTheSeawing
    Fine then... if you so wish *summons a ball of lightning, a ball of ice, a ball of fire, a ball of water, all made of magic energy, and he combines them* but, didn't your mother ever tell you to not mess with a god? *he launches the ball of elemental magical energy at Bio, he purposely misses*
    Mar 4, 2015
  43. Bio
    Don't you remember? I'm a twisted, dark, god. You can't kill me
    Mar 4, 2015
  44. Bio
    So why would anyone bother telling me not to kill you?
    Mar 4, 2015
  45. TurtleTheSeawing
    Then you can't kill me either, so thus, every attempt you have made up till now has been useless.
    Mar 4, 2015
  46. TurtleTheSeawing
    I can at least show my dominance *stomps the ground, causing an earthquake, and the stomp summons more balls of the magical energy, he launches them all at Bio, and they all explode on impact*
    Mar 4, 2015
  47. Bio
    Gods can kill each other. Trust me. Just ask the Eagle god (:
    Mar 4, 2015
  48. TurtleTheSeawing
    Then why did you just say that I couldn't kill you then?
    There is many flaws in what you speak.
    So thus, how do I know you aren't just lying!
    Mar 4, 2015
  49. Bio
    I try to keep me being a god a secret.
    Mar 4, 2015
  50. TurtleTheSeawing
    But you still said I couldn't kill you, a god can kill mortals and other gods. Don't you forget that, I can still show that I am dominant to you!
    Mar 4, 2015
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