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Comments on Profile Post by Hanky

  1. Sulu
    Hiya - I'm alive.. Barely. What's up?
    Mar 2, 2015
  2. Hanky
    Hiiii Sulu, I'm about to die as well
    Mar 2, 2015
  3. Sulu
    Please don't - We can't have that, it's not in the curriculum.
    Mar 6, 2015
  4. Hanky
    I need 2 more more months till I am free from being a student; then taxes for the rest of my life.
    Mar 6, 2015
  5. Sulu
    You're lucky, yo. I wish you all the best over the next two months, I'm sure you'll be fine. As for taxes, worst comes to worst, get your account wired through Switzerland and never get caught!

    I've got exams spanning from May - End of June + Medical placements in the summer followed my a ton of entrance exams for medical school and applications.

    Wanna trade?
    Mar 7, 2015
  6. Hanky
    Already went theough that,I'd rather not
    Mar 7, 2015
  7. Sulu
    Aha, fair enough. You have earned this freedom.
    Mar 7, 2015