But I just want to know, I don't really care, I just want to know... I don't like that the Friend of my Friend is being a jerk to me, I have no idea what could happen if I don't deal with it...
I have lost friends really good friends IRL because of things like this.
I know that it may seem like overreacting, but things like this have happened to me and my friends, and it always start this way and then ends up having me lose like, thirty friends... I am not just trying to get attention... I just want to know :(
it's hard to understand... I can't even explain it... I just feel worried... and trust me, my ADHD just makes it so hard to control it if I am worried or not... and also, Rai has always been a bit of a bully/jerk to me, even my friends, I can't talk bad about him, in fear that Shooting and my other friends will just believe him...
he only does it to me and my friends, I have never seen him talk the way he does to me and my friends to anyone else, so Idk if he just hates me, or if there is something more...
basically Rai was kinda treating me and Legomaster as tools that he could just troll over and over again... he deopped us both, then banned us both, then he unbanned us, then he kicked us whenever we came online.
you weren't there... it was when just me and Lego were there, if he would REPLY to back me up here, then he would agree... @legomasterweld this is serious, please reply...
he was basically blaming me for starting every fight that I have ever been involved in. Oh, and also he even said that I knew nothing about something that is certain to me, not him... I know that this might be a little overreacting, but even the smallest of things can hurt and leave a mark...
but the majority of the mods that I see trust him, and stuff like that... he could say something, and then etc. it could go down hill... I might just be over thinking it though :/
so, I found out why... apparently he finds me annoying, I asked him what I can do to change that so I'm not annoying... he didn't answer... :/
But that still doesn't really give him the right to be rude to me :/
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