Well still I am sticking with FNAF 2 is a prequel, because if FNAF 1 was before FNAF 2 then how would they have known about the bite of 87 if it was before FNAF 2? Plus Scott Cawthon (the game's creator) even Confirmed it was a Prequel!
The proof is on Steam I can't link it because it's on steam... and I am at school my teachers will think that I am playing games if I go on steam even just for that.
lol I was playing FNAF 1 at my friend's Birthday, and we were seeing who could get the furthest without dying, and I got to night 4 without dieing... lol all in one go, all the rest of them got to like nights 2 or died on night 1 ... yes THE ONLY OTHER ONE THAT PLAYED THE GAME THAT WAS THERE DIED ON NIGHT 1 LOL xD
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