Yeah, we actually have a buch of 'canned responses' that we use for ban appeals, reports and such. But we really need them because, as Akel said, there are alot of cases we have to deal with every day and it just makes everything easier if we use these responses.
Apart from that we also have to keep somewhat of a formal level, we are representing a huge server and I can't write a good looking, grammatically correct answer everytime.
I understand your point and I would like to do as you suggested but it's just very hard to do. :/
Crue if he sais something new everytime he replies to a report... that would be a lot of work.
Also, hes just a human like us.. or rather, a sheep, theres a bunch of other users that type more or less similar things when replying to threads that arent mods aswell. *cough* @sc1020 *cough* (although he has got better lately).
You cant expect people just because they have an orange name suddenly to become expert conversationists and make the best and longest reply to every thread...
And if he has a whole document of copy paste phrases, thats a bunch he typed already and you should be honoured that he has bothered making a complete document on it :P :3
"should be honoured that he has bothered making a complete document on it"
I lol'd at that. x)
It's a thread in the staff room, I'm just copying fibunny and Emerly. :p
Comments on Profile Post by Crue911