If I break this rule, you have and must DISLIKE 10 of my posts on my wall. I make this vow simply because too many people brag about their likes and posts, and I do not want to become one of those jerks.
I'm not going to say any names, but, to give you a hint: The top five most liked and posters. (One of those five people brag about their likes. Can you figure out who?)
(Wasn't. Aimed. At. You.)
Ok, im going to stop trying to evade it. It was rude, and it was aimed at you. Even if you're not bragging to show you're better than others, you're still bragging, and... I don't really like that. See, i'm not going to bug you about it forever, and I really don't want to be mean, but... it does bug me. I'm sorry for being rude.
If you hate me/never want to talk to me again, then I'm fine with that. The way I reacted was childish and I should have worded it differently. To be honest, I'm probably boosting your self esteem by 9000 by apologizing, but I need to, because I reacted in a way I shouldn't have. but; I still would like you to stop rubbing it in everyone's face :P
I'm not going to delete this status, simply because I'm willing to admit my faults. Sc, if I hurt you in any way at all, I am truly sorry. That was not my intention, and if it was, I did not expect it to work. After being on the forums for over a year I would expect you to have thick skin, but I guess you dont. sc, I am sorry.
All right. To be honest, all this did was give me another good slap in the face (it's your new job, remember?) and make me think of you as a much more mature person :D
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