I absolutely HATE schoolwork. I have to make a mini canoe thing, except I have nothing to shape it (sandpaper, etc.) and I DON'T EVEN HAVE THE GOD DAMN WOOD!!! PLUS WE'RE NOT ALLOWED TO SPEND ANY FRICKIN' MONEY ON IT! ARGHHHHHH!!!
Especially when you smash people in the head then say some shit like "I JUST OBLITERATED YOUR HIPPOCAMPUS BITCH!"
Hmmm...http://www.google.co.nz/imgres?imgurl=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2e/Gray739-emphasizing-hippocampus.png&imgrefurl=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hippocampus&h=379&w=500&tbnid=-r7w9GtOstbS0M:&zoom=1&tbnh=139&tbnw=184&usg=__hpzzxIMEfxbMIJfSdNE6uDZdc48=&docid=YOYkJngd01nuhM&ved=0CCIQyjc&ei=Hwc-VMvZGYK8igLLxoCYAg Good luck obiliterating that!
You see, when you smash through their entire head you obliterate everything in their head. Including their hippocampus. And their head.
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