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Comments on Profile Post by T-Flex

  1. T-Flex
    You are still my dear friend you fat asshole. Love you.
    Oct 11, 2014
  2. Tantibus
    Just saying that that was a pretty big insult fired at the mods by Jason :/
    Oct 11, 2014
  3. T-Flex
    deserved by a long mile
    Oct 11, 2014
  4. -----
    And who are you to say that, ecto ?
    Oct 11, 2014
  5. T-Flex
    Can't take criticism chbar? My post wasn't aimed at you, but heck, if shoe fits, feel free to lace it up & wear it.
    Oct 11, 2014
  6. -----
    What exactly is "Emotionally invested in the community", ecto ?
    Oct 11, 2014
  7. SteelXawesum
    It's a minecraft server. You shouldn't be "emotionally invested" in a video game, or even its community.
    Oct 11, 2014
  8. Tantibus
    Well, steel, let's not go there. To consider a wynncraft friend as an actual friend is definitely something that I am okay with, how I feel about many forumers, in fact.
    Oct 11, 2014
  9. T-Flex
    you guys had a group meeting or something? Cause 2 mods, bringing the same point, at the same time is a bit...smelly...and to see mods talking like that is a bit disappointing...nothing wrong with being in love with things you like doing and respect, regardless of them being virtual.
    Oct 11, 2014
  10. -----
    You didn't answer my question, ecto.
    Oct 11, 2014
  11. SteelXawesum
    To sc: Yes, it is okay to meet friends online. Heck, I have met a ton! But really, if every-bodies emotions were pooled around the forums, it would be ridiculous. Nobody should invest emotions in the game.
    Oct 11, 2014
  12. SteelXawesum
    To ecto: Well, we probably both saw it in the recent profile posts ._.
    Oct 11, 2014
  13. T-Flex
    exactly sc...and to see a mod, someone who should care the most, saying words along those lines is saddening...but ultimately, it does display a true picture of the staff team, so I ain't even mad.
    Oct 11, 2014
  14. -----
    Oct 11, 2014
  15. Tantibus
    I suppose we just think differently on that, steel.

    I don't think that a mod needs to be "emotionally invested," per se. I mean, if they want to protect/preserve the community and help the server, then that's what's needed. Because if a moderator enforces the rules, then they do care about the community. And that's where I felt Jason was wrong.
    Oct 11, 2014
  16. T-Flex
    Chbar, I really don't have a way to reply to you...really...I'm feeling like you are trolling me, either that, or being ignorant. Cause the "emotionally invested" speaks for itself. It's a metaphor, but a clear one...really, how are you expecting me to reply on that via profile post, which gives me very limited space...my answer to you would be severely complicated
    Oct 11, 2014
  17. -----
    Then PM me your asnwer. I'm not trolling. Because if you really can't explain it, then you're reproaching us for not being something not even you know what it means.
    Oct 11, 2014
  18. T-Flex
    Mods don't care about this place, Chbar...you may...someone else may as well...most don't...and it was displayed fairly visible over the last few months. I'm not going to change your opinion nor try to convince you otherwise, but staff team here isn't living to it's potential.
    Oct 11, 2014
  19. T-Flex
    If you truly believe I can't explain it, so be it, it isn't a competition nor do I have time to write essay posts explaining my points and meanings. I have based my opinion on facts that were presented, in front of me, and until I see changes, I'll keep it. Excuse me now, I have to study, have a nice rest of your day Chbar.
    Oct 11, 2014
  20. Tantibus
    It's funny how you say facts when truly I am only seeing opinions.
    Oct 11, 2014
  21. SteelXawesum
    Mods don't care? We don't? Since when? We do a lot. We just don't go around bragging how many people were banned or how many threads were moderated. We never brag about anything. People who brag about what they did are just self-centered.
    Oct 11, 2014
  22. -----
    How exactly do you CARE for a virtual forums, ecto ? How ? Mods delete posts, move threads, ban people, not much, how do we show we care ? Because if we truly didn't care about the forums, I for sure wouldn't be spending here a good amount of my time moderating and making sure things stay somewhat clean.
    Oct 11, 2014
  23. Tantibus
    By doing their jobs, don't moderators care? They care enough to go through tons of ban appeals and unban those who deserve it. They care enough to do the same with reports. They even manage to endure the constant posts on their profiles about unbans. They even close threads if we want it. If they don't care, by golly, then how can they?
    Oct 11, 2014
  24. T-Flex
    love you all :*
    Oct 11, 2014