*has a talk about religion with god and gets his limbs mended, then goes down to earth again and pets* thx :D
*starts working on black magic sealing and pets by controling a muppet's hand from inside the box, with black magic*
*throws muppet into another box and seals it with super glue* *glues jack wings together and to a wall*
omfg right spaceships *Dolphin uses Fly and goes to Earth* *Dolphin uses Dive and dives into the depths of the Pacific Ocean*
*Grabs Francis and uses deep presureizer and dives deep into the ocean after dolphin. Fires petting torpedoes at the dolphin.*
Correction, hyper fang does half the targets health. So you bit half the torpedoes. they are still following you. :)
Oh well aren't you an expert *Dolphin uses Fly and flies to Lavender Town* nothing better than Pokemon creepypasta.
*flies spaceship into lavender town graveyard letting all the pokemon spirits go. they go pet dolphin*
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