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Comments on Profile Post by Danieldan4

  1. View previous comments
  2. Danieldan4
    not all of them, just a part of the recent ones
    Jul 31, 2014
  3. Trooper
    guys, whether they do it because of the fame or not, it shouldn't matter. As long as they:
    1. Do their job
    2. don't think they can "talk down" to everyone else
    3. be kind to other members of the community
    then it doesnt matter if its for the fame or not.
    fame isn't what makes a staff member bad.
    it's all about how they act.
    Jul 31, 2014
  4. Trooper
    like if someone said something like:
    "hey! you have no right to have an opinion"
    then that staff would be acting like a complete asshole, and probably shouldnt be staff in the first place.
    If you really think someone is abusing their powers, you should talk to a mod you trust, convince them to talk to someone of higher power (like an admin) and try to sort shit out <3
    Jul 31, 2014
  5. Trooper
    We had a similar problem long ago with an abusive admin. and we had basically the same admins you had.
    the admin got demoted and banned for what he did. <3
    Jul 31, 2014
  6. Danieldan4
    wait what admin?
    Jul 31, 2014
  7. Trooper
    it was long long ago, so Im not sure you'd know him.
    Jul 31, 2014
  8. Danieldan4
    you mean on CM or here on WC?
    Jul 31, 2014
  9. Trooper
    back in jan 2012 I think
    I read about it back in the day
    Jul 31, 2014
  10. Danieldan4
    Nope I don't know anything about that...
    Jul 31, 2014
  11. Danieldan4
    I only subscribed to the CM channel in 2013, and discovered the forums at the end of 2013.
    Jul 31, 2014
  12. Danieldan4
    did any of you guys talk to tama about these things?
    Jul 31, 2014
  13. Danieldan4
    if you really have the balls to do it, then do it. Don't expect me to do it, I already sent tama TONS of PMs and (talking sincerely) I don't care so much about this (but that doesn't mean I didn't care in the past)
    Jul 31, 2014
  14. JJTH
    I have the balls. I just don't see how it would help us.
    You've seen the topic get closed just like that. There was no room for discussion.
    Jul 31, 2014
  15. Trooper
    Tama isn't the only admin you can talk to
    and JJ already tried to talk to him in his thread, and he dismissed it like it was nothing
    so you might need to try another staff member :|
    Jul 31, 2014
  16. Danieldan4
    You can try with the other 2 active and moderator-picking admins but that will take a lot of time. And I'm sure that if you'll start a private chat with all of the members who care about this matter+Tama he will listen to us.
    Jul 31, 2014
  17. Trooper
    Welll, I dont need to msg anyone since Im not really apart of wynn shizzle, so yeah, gud luck <3
    Jul 31, 2014
  18. Danieldan4
    If you'd like to help us just in your little part you're welcome
    Jul 31, 2014
  19. Dakota
    I'm sorry, but I just have to say - anyone who just bothered to read this entire chain of comments, before you go all "down with the mods" on us, be aware that its mostly filled with wrong information and mad people.
    Jul 31, 2014
  20. Dakota
    Let me clear some things up for you
    1. Mods aren't chosen just because friendship. We have a thread where we discuss new potential moderators.
    2. Suggesting our friends isn't even a bad thing. If other people look through what the person has said and don't think they're suitable, they are ignored.
    Jul 31, 2014
  21. Dakota
    If they are suitable for mod, then why shouldn't they get it? We don't want a community of worker drones for mod, we want it to be a friendly place where people get along. That promotes longitivtiy in our mods
    Jul 31, 2014
  22. Dakota
    3. The reason we have inactive mods is because if they have gotten to the point to earn the rank, why does a break from the game ruin that? People have lives and are free to pursue other things. We base promotions off of the amount of active mods, not total mods, so its not like having them there affects anyone's chances.
    Jul 31, 2014
  23. Dakota
    Also, its angering me that people are treating us like we are some absolute rulers that ignore any criticism because we're too focused on ourselves. We are people playing a game.
    Jul 31, 2014
  24. Dakota
    If you have a problem with a certain mod, I'd highly suggest messaging them! We don't bite, and we tend to have good intentions. If someone did something wrong, as normal unperfect people do, most of us would be completely willing accept our mistake and try to fix it.
    Jul 31, 2014
  25. Dakota
    Also, as much as I love you trooper, what you said about roudan is wrong. He wasn't just a random pick, someone (not from CM) suggested him and enough people agreed.

    With all that being said, I'd like to say that its entirely possible there is information I am missing, but I do believe that just by looking through the mod suggestion thread that the system we have for picking mods is a great system.
    Jul 31, 2014
  26. Dakota
    Though, if anyone has solid evidence to any of these claims of problems with mods, I will personally message salted or anyone who can fix the problem. I want people to have confidence in the mod team, and I will help people if I can!
    Jul 31, 2014
  27. Danieldan4
    It's how the community (specific members in this case) accept specific moderators. I by myself have no problems with mods nor I care about inactive ones, nor about some members who deserve to be mods and still aren't.
    Jul 31, 2014
  28. JJTH
    I wouldn't say I'm mad, myself. Just a bit disappointed with the direction the community's headed.
    And I'm just noticing - that mostly, there's not a whole lot of activity. I'm hearing public complaints about some moderators doing nothing.
    Obviously, if we don't know who they are, we're generalising.
    Jul 31, 2014
  29. Danieldan4
    Again, do what Dakota said. I don't care about inactive mods, if you do so much try to fix it.
    Jul 31, 2014
  30. Dakota
    Feel free to message me the proof ;)
    Also, sorry for the onslaught of posts. I just felt some unfair and untrue things were being said here that needed to be cleared up.
    Jul 31, 2014
  31. JJTH
    Woh - that was a reply to just the first comment. I didn't expect 8 of them to be added onto it.
    Jul 31, 2014
  32. Danieldan4
    Lol you too JJ?
    Jul 31, 2014
  33. JJTH
    Well, look, Dakota.
    I'm not hating on moderators, or anyone else for that matter.
    I'm not looking for anyone to get fired, or scolded, or whatever. But these are moderators publicly complaining about their colleagues' inactivity.
    Of course people are going to notice that.
    Jul 31, 2014
  34. JJTH
    I don't think any proof is needed for the deterioration of the quality of this forum and even community.
    And, yeah, I do have some complaints about moderators - and I have spoken to them about it too. Yet, that same moderator in this case, has told me that he simply doesn't care anymore. What am I to do with that?
    Use it against him? Snitch him out?
    Jul 31, 2014
  35. JJTH
    As for the thing about nepotism - I'm not against moderators recommending their friends. I'm against them recommending them simply because they are friends.
    Even if they do not become moderators, it's still bad business.
    Jul 31, 2014
  36. Dakota
    Yeah, inactivity is sort of a difficult situation to deal with. Theres no denying that there are a few mods who don't play wynn anymore. Theres no denying general mod activity is decreasing, as being a mod isn't the most... rewarding or interesting thing to do. But, if you demote someone, what happens when they come back?
    Jul 31, 2014
  37. Dakota
    Are they not allowed to have the rank? Do we repromote them immediately? Do we wait until they're active again?
    Either of the last two situations, its silly that they were demoted to just regain their rank, and for the last its silly that they needed to reprove themselves.
    Also, it would be more damaging in terms of other members of others being promoted seeing as a promotion is being wasted on a repromotion ;D
    Jul 31, 2014
  38. JJTH
    "Also, it would be more damaging in terms of other members of others being promoted seeing as a promotion is being wasted on a repromotion ;D"
    That sentence confuses the hell out of me.
    Jul 31, 2014
  39. Danieldan4
    If this conversation is going to continue for a lot of time can you please go to another place to continue it? While I am really interested in reading what you say, this spams my alerts. Take that in consideration.
    Jul 31, 2014
  40. JJTH
    Anyway, it's a difficult decision, always.
    You form a friendship with people as you work together, and you don't want to let them go because they've been gone for a while. You get this feeling of guilt over it, because.. you know. It seems personal.
    So you never really know what to do - but if it's been more than half a year.. that's kind of bad for the employer's reputation too, you know?
    Jul 31, 2014
  41. JJTH
    Also, Dakota - I do want to thank you for taking part in this conversation and clearing a few things up. :)
    Jul 31, 2014
  42. Trooper
    I shared my thoughts ,though some of them were just asumptions. Im sorry for using roudans name, but at the time it seemed he fit the point i was trying to prove. I dunno,
    Jul 31, 2014
  43. Trooper
    I might just leave wynn to wynn people, because there's too much shizzle i've missed or overlooked XD
    mods dont bite, but just in case you do run into a mod that is reluctant to hear you out (which is rare, since mods are nice people <3) you can go to another mod and talk about it with them c:
    Jul 31, 2014
  44. Dakota
    Jul 31, 2014
  45. JaydenK
    Dakota, I'd like you to know that despite my opinions on the way things are run here, I have nothing against ANY of you as people (the PM I sent to you the other day :D) and I'm glad that you've actually been able to reply to this post in a calm manner with constructive points, rather than do what other people would do which would be to close or delete the thread. I really do appreciate that.
    Jul 31, 2014
  46. Dakota
    I'm surprised I even managed to form words at 2 in the morning
    Jul 31, 2014
  47. JJTH
    I should put a toll gate at my profile by this point. >.<
    Jul 31, 2014
  48. Danieldan4
    What do you mean?
    Jul 31, 2014
  49. JJTH
    Well, so many people pass through - if I were to charge them, I'd make a fortune. x)
    Jul 31, 2014
  50. Danieldan4
    This teaches me not to write this kind of comments on people's profiles
    Jul 31, 2014
  51. px_1
    Jul 31, 2014