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Comments on Profile Post by BrokenRealities

  1. BrokenRealities
    many words as possible into a sentence without it running on like an olympian in a several mile long burning hot marathon, but you do in fact still use semicolons in order to maximize the singular sentence's individual word count by stringing together statements in such
    Nov 12, 2022
    Mardeknius and hmtn like this.
  2. BrokenRealities
    a way that by the technical laws of grammar you do not actually require any form of period, including but not limited to exclamation points and question marks, thus optimizing your usage of forms of punctuation that do not technically end sentences despite introducing additional clauses and phrases,
    Nov 12, 2022
    Mardeknius and hmtn like this.
  3. BrokenRealities
    hopefully creating a paragraph out of a single sentence that is not technically a run-on but still using as many various words as you are physically capable of without causing yourself severe neurological damage and causing yourself to become critically stunned by the preposterously incredible length of the inanely extensive and absurdly
    Nov 12, 2022
    Mardeknius and hmtn like this.
  4. BrokenRealities
    technical sentence's crazy sentence structure, along with the sentence's other oddities, including the massive variance in the multitude of words that you chose to use in the oversized sentence to fully describe the tone of insanity you wish to convey
    Nov 12, 2022
    Mardeknius and hmtn like this.
  5. BrokenRealities
    to your readers without utilizing run-on, redundancy, or any other foul trick, while still considering semi-colons fair game when creating such a strange and weird sentence as this one is?
    (When character limit)
    Nov 12, 2022
    Mardeknius and hmtn like this.