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Bart (MC)
Last Activity:
Yesterday at 5:43 PM
Feb 24, 2016
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November 6
Wynncraft Forums

Bart (MC)

Ex-Item Maker & Day Counter (MC), Male, from Wynncraft Forums


i love when test weeks get planned right after breaks. this is very fair Yesterday at 5:44 PM

Bart (MC) was last seen:
Yesterday at 5:43 PM
    1. Bart (MC)
      Bart (MC)
      forbidden prison is the most difficult quest in the entire game honestly, and i'm not even joking
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Bart (MC)
        Bart (MC)
        ??? even without a guide, given you've done it once before, is still easier
        Mar 23, 2022
      3. ocu
        alright what’s broken
        Mar 23, 2022
      4. Bart (MC)
        Bart (MC)
        top 5 hardest bosses in the game:
        5. dr legendary
        4. wybel
        3. the eye
        2. panic zealot
        1. forbidden prison escape sequence
        Mar 25, 2022
    2. Bart (MC)
      Bart (MC)
      canned abis and its disastrous consequences to society: a dissertation (page 1/183)
      1. Emogla3, bloww, MatForYoga888 and 2 others like this.
    3. Bart (MC)
      Bart (MC)
      i'm going to stay up all night thinking about that one super long hallway that goes left & right but only left is the right way in wynnexc d
      1. Emogla3 likes this.
      2. highbread
        so what you're sayin is that the right way isn't the right way
        Mar 20, 2022
        Bart (MC) likes this.
      3. Bart (MC)
        Bart (MC)
        Mar 21, 2022
    4. Bart (MC)
      Bart (MC)
      finally scoured the wynn and gavel. there was never a build ment for kai si the fruman government
    5. Bart (MC)
      Bart (MC)
      me putting (no pots) after a video of a mage LI run
      1. Emogla3, Fleega and luckeyLuuk like this.
    6. Bart (MC)
      Bart (MC)
      how did i only learn about doctor who existing a few days ago. how have i been missing out on it for such a long time, it's so great
      1. Fleega
        That's actually pretty impressive
        Mar 17, 2022
        Bart (MC) likes this.
      2. Bart (MC)
        Bart (MC)
        i've been binging it somewhat, and i just got done watching the twoparter of the library. those episodes are a contender, a VERY HIGH contender for the best piece of media i've ever watched. i'm actually shocked at how incredible it was.
        Mar 23, 2022
      3. Bart (MC)
        Bart (MC)
        i cannot believe that it's something i only barely had heard about as a name that exists as a show until i randomly saw a few cool clips on it on youtube a week ago when it's this spectacularly amazing
        Mar 23, 2022
    7. Bart (MC)
      Bart (MC)
      ate a bug today. just flew into my mouth as i was cycling and i just swallowed. absolutely mortified. will probably die from it soon
      1. Emogla3, Fleega, Shots and 2 others like this.
      2. Fleega
        Protein for the day
        Mar 17, 2022
        luckeyLuuk and Bart (MC) like this.
      3. Emogla3
        the meal
        Mar 17, 2022
        Bart (MC) likes this.
    8. Bart (MC)
      Bart (MC)
      stuck in the youtube lagtrain rabbit hole (very fun but i keep missing the train now)
    9. Bart (MC)
      Bart (MC)
      yknow i really love wynncraft, i really do, very important game to me and a huge inspiration in terms of game design it's been
      1. Ellphant and Castti like this.
      2. Bart (MC)
        Bart (MC)
        i posted this because i was having another episode of "i wonder when wynn reworks are going to hit the point i no longer love wynn"
        Mar 14, 2022
        Ellphant and Castti like this.
    10. Bart (MC)
      Bart (MC)
      can't believe the shoutbox suggestion thread is now the only large scale suggestion thread that's still actively being supported
    11. Bart (MC)
      Bart (MC)
      confession: i only actually did lost soles fully without just looking up the passcode for the first time today. pretty fun puzzle honestly
      1. Bart (MC)
        Bart (MC)
        this is like my twelfth or thirteenth time having done the quest lmfao
        Mar 12, 2022
      2. Samsam101
        it got to a point for me where i memorized the puzzle and no longer needed a guide
        Mar 12, 2022
        Bart (MC) likes this.
      3. Emogla3
        the thing i love about lost soles is that for some reason i always forget the code after playing it, unlike many other code puzzles in the game. this means that i can always play the puzzle again without knowing the answer
        Mar 13, 2022
        Bart (MC) likes this.
    12. Bart (MC)
      Bart (MC)
      thinking about how excellent the pokemon movies are and how little reason they have to be as good as they are
      1. Bart (MC)
        Bart (MC)
        well, most of the older pokemon movies at least, i haven't seen any "new" ones (after the genesect one) and i must admit i've heard some pretty bad stuff about the hoopa one
        Mar 11, 2022
      2. Samsam101
        most of them are really good iirc but i recall the hoopa one having the same energy as thor ragnarok
        Mar 11, 2022
        Bart (MC) likes this.
      3. Samsam101
        update: apparently hoopa is a selfish little shit in that film which really sucks because hoopa is one of my favourite mythical pokemon
        Mar 29, 2022
        Bart (MC) likes this.
    13. Bart (MC)
      Bart (MC)
      horrible mario day. i hate mario the man and mario the idea
      1. Kahsol and WithTheFish like this.
      2. bloww
        Mar 10, 2022
        Kahsol, WithTheFish and Bart (MC) like this.
      3. SkiesUnknown
        but he's so cool when he stomp a turty
        Mar 10, 2022
        Bart (MC), Kahsol and WithTheFish like this.
    14. Bart (MC)
      Bart (MC)
      1. Kahsol, Ellphant and one_ood like this.
    15. Bart (MC)
      Bart (MC)
      words that have been said less often in the wynn discord than furry: spear, trade market, ragni, npc, unique, tome, ct, beta, potion, yahya
      1. luckeyLuuk, Kahsol, Castti and 2 others like this.
      2. Fleega
        I swear I had nothing to do with that.
        Mar 8, 2022
        Kahsol, creature and Bart (MC) like this.
    16. Bart (MC)
      Bart (MC)
      glad wynn added a way to get a gambling addiction in wynn the day after i decide i'm going to motivate myself to play again. so thoughtful!
      1. Kahsol and Castti like this.
    17. Bart (MC)
      Bart (MC)
      this might be it. from today on i am going to try to push hard to get motivation back for wynn. wish me luck, it's harder than it seems
      1. Kahsol likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Bart (MC)
        Bart (MC)
        festivals usually have an opposite effect on me, i actually burnt out during the bonfire festival and it's been worse for every festival since
        Mar 7, 2022
        Kahsol and Samsam101 like this.
      4. Samsam101
        The only festival I got bored of was the last one because part of the appeal to me was the bonus lore and after that stopped coming I eventually forgot to do my mission one day and gave up
        Mar 7, 2022
        Kahsol and Bart (MC) like this.
      5. Samsam101
        burnt out from the hero festival way sooner than i expected to and didnt even get halfway through without getting bored. i ended up coming back to get all the boxes after it had finished
        Mar 29, 2022
        Bart (MC) likes this.
    18. Bart (MC)
      Bart (MC)
      ive never had migraines before but this may be it, ive been having an awful headache all day and just wanna sleep now that its a bit better
      1. Kahsol likes this.
    19. Bart (MC)
      Bart (MC)
      hot(?) take: voting no on a suggestion not because you don't like it, but because you don't think it's worth the dev/ct effort is very valid
      1. luckeyLuuk, Kahsol and creature like this.
    20. Bart (MC)
      Bart (MC)
      plans for the rest of the week: putting quasi- in front of random words while talking and seeing if people pick up on it
      1. Kahsol and Fleega like this.