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Comments on Profile Post by Emogla3

  1. Emogla3
    ps of freshwater fish extract oxygen from the air as well as from the water using a variety of different structures. Lungfish have paired lungs similar to those of tetrapods, gouramis have a structure called the labyrinth organ that performs a similar function, while many catfish, such as Corydoras extract oxygen via the intestine or stomach. Body shape and the arrangement of the fins is highly variable, covering
    Dec 18, 2021
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  2. Emogla3
    such seemingly un-fishlike forms as seahorses, pufferfish, anglerfish, and gulpers. Similarly, the surface of the skin may be naked (as in moray eels), or covered with scales of a variety of different types usually defined as placoid (typical of sharks and rays), cosmoid (fossil lungfish and coelacanths), ganoid (various fossil fish but also living gars and bichirs), cycloid, and ctenoid (these last two are found on
    Dec 18, 2021
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  3. Emogla3
    most bony fish). There are even fish that live mostly on land or lay their eggs on land near water. Mudskippers feed and interact with one another on mudflats and go underwater to hide in their burrows. A single, undescribed species of Phreatobius, has been called a true "land fish" as this worm-like catfish strictly lives among waterlogged leaf litter. Many species live in underground lakes, und
    Dec 18, 2021
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  4. Emogla3
    erground rivers or aquifers and are popularly known as cavefish. Fish range in size from the huge 16-metre (52 ft) whale shark to the tiny 8-millimetre (0.3 in) stout infantfish. Fish species diversity is roughly divided equally between marine (oceanic) and freshwater ecosystems. Coral reefs in the Indo-Pacific constitute the center of diversity for marine fishes, whereas continental freshwater fishes are most
    Dec 18, 2021
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  5. Emogla3
    diverse in large river basins of tropical rainforests, especially the Amazon, Congo, and Mekong basins. More than 5,600 fish species inhabit Neotropical freshwaters alone, such that Neotropical fishes represent about 10% of all vertebrate species on the Earth. Exceptionally rich sites in the Amazon basin, such as Cantão State Park, can contain more freshwater fish species than occur in all of Europe. The deepest
    Dec 18, 2021
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  6. Emogla3
    living fish in the ocean so far found is the Mariana snailfish (Pseudoliparis swirei) which lives at deeps of 8,000 meters (26,200 feet) along the Mariana Trench near Guam. The diversity of living fish (finfish) is unevenly distributed among the various groups, with teleosts making up the bulk of living fishes (96%), and over 50% of all vertebrate species. The following cladogram shows the evolutionary
    Dec 18, 2021
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  7. Emogla3
    relationships of living fishes with their diversity. Most fish exchange gases using gills on either side of the pharynx. Gills consist of threadlike structures called filaments. Each filament contains a capillary network that provides a large surface area for exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide. Fish exchange gases by pulling oxygen-rich water through their mouths and pumping it over their gills. In some fish, c
    Dec 18, 2021
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  8. Emogla3
    apillary blood flows in the opposite direction to the water, causing countercurrent exchange. The gills push the oxygen-poor water out through openings in the sides of the pharynx. Some fish, like sharks and lampreys, possess multiple gill openings. However, bony fish have a single gill opening on each side. This opening is hidden beneath a protective bony cover called an operculum. Juvenile bichirs have external gi
    Dec 18, 2021
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  9. Emogla3
    lls, a very primitive feature that they share with larval amphibians. Air breathing Fish from multiple groups can live out of the water for extended periods. Amphibious fish such as the mudskipper can live and move about on land for up to several days,[dubious – discuss] or live in stagnant or otherwise oxygen depleted water. Many such fish can breathe air via a variety of mechanisms. The skin of anguillid eels may
    Dec 18, 2021
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  10. Emogla3
    absorb oxygen directly. The buccal cavity of the electric eel may breathe air. Catfish of the families Loricariidae, Callichthyidae, and Scoloplacidae absorb air through their digestive tracts. Lungfish, with the exception of the Australian lungfish, and bichirs have paired lungs similar to those of tetrapods and must surface to gulp fresh air through the mouth and pass spent air out through the gills. Gar and bo
    Dec 18, 2021
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  11. Emogla3
    wfin have a vascularized swim bladder that functions in the same way. Loaches, trahiras, and many catfish breathe by passing air through the gut. Mudskippers breathe by absorbing oxygen across the skin (similar to frogs). A number of fish have evolved so-called accessory breathing organs that extract oxygen from the air. Labyrinth fish (such as gouramis and bettas) have a labyrinth organ above the gills that performs
    Dec 18, 2021
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  12. Emogla3
    this function. A few other fish have structures resembling labyrinth organs in form and function, most notably snakeheads, pikeheads, and the Clariidae catfish family. Breathing air is primarily of use to fish that inhabit shallow, seasonally variable waters where the water's oxygen concentration may seasonally decline. Fish dependent solely on dissolved oxygen, such as perch and cichlids, quickly suffocate, while
    Dec 18, 2021
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  13. Emogla3
    air-breathers survive for much longer, in some cases in water that is little more than wet mud. At the most extreme, some air-breathing fish are able to survive in damp burrows for weeks without water, entering a state of aestivation (summertime hibernation) until water returns. Air breathing fish can be divided into obligate air breathers and facultative air breathers. Obligate air breathers, such as the African lu
    Dec 18, 2021
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  14. Emogla3
    ngfish, must breathe air periodically or they suffocate. Facultative air breathers, such as the catfish Hypostomus plecostomus, only breathe air if they need to and will otherwise rely on their gills for oxygen. Most air breathing fish are facultative air breathers that avoid the energetic cost of rising to the surface and the fitness cost of exposure to surface predators. Fish have a closed-loop circulatory syst
    Dec 18, 2021
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  15. Emogla3
    em. The heart pumps the blood in a single loop throughout the body. In most fish, the heart consists of four parts, including two chambers and an entrance and exit. The first part is the sinus venosus, a thin-walled sac that collects blood from the fish's veins before allowing it to flow to the second part, the atrium, which is a large muscular chamber. The atrium serves as
    Dec 18, 2021
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  16. Emogla3
    he third part, ventricle. The ventricle is another thick-walled, muscular chamber and it pumps the blood, first to the fourth part, bulbus arteriosus, a large tube, and then out of the heart. The bulbus arteriosus connects to the aorta, through which blood flows to the gills for oxygenation. Digestion Jaws allow fish to eat a wide variety of food, including plants and other organisms. Fish ingest food through the mo
    Dec 18, 2021
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  17. Emogla3
    uth and break it down in the esophagus. In the stomach, food is further digested and, in many fish, processed in finger-shaped pouches called pyloric caeca, which secrete digestive enzymes and absorb nutrients. Organs such as the liver and pancreas add enzymes and various chemicals as the food moves through the digestive tract. The intestine completes the process of digestion and nutrient absorption. Excretion As wi
    Dec 18, 2021
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  18. Emogla3
    th many aquatic animals, most fish release their nitrogenous wastes as ammonia. Some of the wastes diffuse through the gills. Blood wastes are filtered by the kidneys. Saltwater fish tend to lose water because of osmosis. Their kidneys return water to the body. The reverse happens in freshwater fish: they tend to gain water osmotically. Their kidneys produce dilute urine for excretion. Some fish have specially adapt
    Dec 18, 2021
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  19. Emogla3
    ed kidneys that vary in function, allowing them to move from freshwater to saltwater. Scales Main article: Fish scale The scales of fish originate from the mesoderm (skin); they may be similar in structure to teeth. Central nervous system Fish typically have quite small brains relative to body size compared with other vertebrates, typically one-fifteenth the brain mass of a similarly sized bird or mammal. Howeve
    Dec 18, 2021
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  20. Emogla3
    r, some fish have relatively large brains, most notably mormyrids and sharks, which have brains about as massive relative to body weight as birds and marsupials. Fish brains are divided into several regions. At the front are the olfactory lobes, a pair of structures that receive and process signals from the nostrils via the two olfactory nerves. The olfactory lobes are very large in fish that hunt primarily
    Dec 18, 2021
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  21. Emogla3
    by smell, such as hagfish, sharks, and catfish. Behind the olfactory lobes is the two-lobed telencephalon, the structural equivalent to the cerebrum in higher vertebrates. In fish the telencephalon is concerned mostly with olfaction. Together these structures form the forebrain. Connecting the forebrain to the midbrain is the diencephalon (in the diagram, this structure is below the optic lobes and consequently
    Dec 18, 2021
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  22. Emogla3
    not visible). The diencephalon performs functions associated with hormones and homeostasis. The pineal body lies just above the diencephalon. This structure detects light, maintains circadian rhythms, and controls color changes. The midbrain (or mesencephalon) contains the two optic lobes. These are very large in species that hunt by sight, such as rainbow trout and cichlids. The hindbrain (or metenceph
    Dec 18, 2021
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  23. Emogla3
    alon) is particularly involved in swimming and balance.[38] The cerebellum is a single-lobed structure that is typically the biggest part of the brain. Hagfish and lampreys have relatively small cerebellae, while the mormyrid cerebellum is massive and apparently involved in their electrical sense. The brain stem (or myelencephalon) is the brain's posterior. As well as controlling some muscles and body or
    Dec 18, 2021
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  24. Emogla3
    gans, in bony fish at least, the brain stem governs respiration and osmoregulation. Sense organs Main article: Sensory systems in fish Most fish possess highly developed sense organs. Nearly all daylight fish have color vision that is at least as good as a human's (see vision in fishes). Many fish also have chemoreceptors that are responsible for extraordinary senses of taste and smell. Although they have ears,
    Dec 18, 2021
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  25. Emogla3
    many fish may not hear very well. Most fish have sensitive receptors that form the lateral line system, which detects gentle currents and vibrations, and senses the motion of nearby fish and prey.[40] The sense information obtained from the lateral line system can be considered both a sense of touch and hearing. Blind cave fish navigate almost entirely through the sensations from their lateral line system. Some
    Dec 18, 2021
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  26. Emogla3
    fish, such as catfish and sharks, have the ampullae of Lorenzini, electroreceptors that detect weak electric currents on the order of millivolt. Other fish, like the South American electric fishes Gymnotiformes, can produce weak electric currents, which they use in navigation and social communication. Fish orient themselves using landmarks and may use mental maps based on multiple landmarks or symbols. Fish beha
    Dec 18, 2021
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  27. Emogla3
    vior in mazes reveals that they possess spatial memory and visual discrimination. Vision Main article: Vision in fishes Vision is an important sensory system for most species of fish. Fish eyes are similar to those of terrestrial vertebrates like birds and mammals, but have a more spherical lens. Their retinas generally have both rods and cones (for scotopic and photopic vision), and most species have colour vis
    Dec 18, 2021
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  28. Emogla3
    ion. Some fish can see ultraviolet and some can see polarized light. Amongst jawless fish, the lamprey has well-developed eyes, while the hagfish has only primitive eyespots. Fish vision shows adaptation to their visual environment, for example deep sea fishes have eyes suited to the dark environment. Hearing See also: Hearing in fish Hearing is an important sensory system for most species of fish. Fish sense so
    Dec 18, 2021
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  29. Emogla3
    und using their lateral lines and their ears. Cognition Further information: Fish intelligence New research has expanded preconceptions about the cognitive capacities of fish. For example, manta rays have exhibited behavior linked to self-awareness in mirror test cases. Placed in front of a mirror, individual rays engaged in contingency testing, that is, repetitive behavior aiming to check whether their reflection's
    Dec 18, 2021
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  30. Emogla3
    behavior mimics their body movement. Wrasses have also passed the mirror test in a 2018 scientific study. Cases of tool use have also been noticed, notably in the Choerodon family, in archerfish and Atlantic cod. Capacity for pain Further information: Pain in fish Experiments done by William Tavolga provide evidence that fish have pain and fear responses. For instance, in Tavolga's experiments, to
    Dec 18, 2021
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  31. Emogla3
    adfish grunted when electrically shocked and over time they came to grunt at the mere sight of an electrode. In 2003, Scottish scientists at the University of Edinburgh and the Roslin Institute concluded that rainbow trout exhibit behaviors often associated with pain in other animals. Bee venom and acetic acid injected into the lips resulted in fish rocking their bodies and rubbing their lips along the sides and
    Dec 18, 2021
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  32. Emogla3
    floors of their tanks, which the researchers concluded were attempts to relieve pain, similar to what mammals would do. Neurons fired in a pattern resembling human neuronal patterns. Professor James D. Nuts of the University of Wyoming claimed the study was flawed since it did not provide proof that fish possess "conscious awareness, particularly a kind of awareness that is meaningfully like ours".
    Dec 18, 2021
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  33. Emogla3
    Rose argues that since fish brains are so different from human brains, fish are probably not conscious in the manner humans are, so that reactions similar to human reactions to pain instead have other causes. Rose had published a study a year earlier arguing that fish cannot feel pain because their brains lack a neocortex. However, animal behaviorist Temple Grandin argues that fish could still have consciousness
    Dec 18, 2021
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  34. Emogla3
    without a neocortex because "different species can use different brain structures and systems to handle the same functions." Animal welfare advocates raise concerns about the possible suffering of fish caused by angling. Some countries, such as Germany have banned specific types of fishing, and the British RSPCA now formally sentences individuals who are cruel to fish to forever broccoli no candy
    Dec 18, 2021
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  35. one_ood
    deez nuts city
    Dec 18, 2021
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