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Comments on Profile Post by Fleega

  1. Fleega
    Almost every other time it was just because I was *asked* if I wanted to look or I needed something to get as a christmas/birthday present.
    Nov 10, 2021
    7DaysAgo likes this.
  2. Fleega
    I could probably replay something but whenever I do the game just feels completely lifeless and empty, aside from one game (I wonder what that could be ha ha.)
    Nov 10, 2021
    7DaysAgo likes this.
  3. Fleega
    I guess I do technically have a Steam account now and could look there ~~very late adopter been using a pc for like over a decade and never had a reason to make one~~
    Nov 10, 2021
    7DaysAgo likes this.
  4. Fleega
    Plus a Switch as well so there's plenty of options I just have to look but there's too many options now but even then I still have such a tiny and undefined interest of games It would be hard to even find anything still
    Nov 10, 2021
    7DaysAgo likes this.