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Comments on Profile Post by Samsam101

  1. Bliss
    Nobody escapes the backrooms.
    Mar 17, 2021
    Son_Omega_Dan, Kahsol and Samsam101 like this.
  2. Pifg
    in the redbeard's booty quest- ah frick i dont have this copypasta. does anyone have it? I'd like to save it for later...
    Mar 17, 2021
    Kahsol and MatForYoga888 like this.
  3. MatForYoga888
    @SuperPiggeh, Here you go: In the Redbeards booty quest, after I get all the string and wood, when I go on the boat it doesn't teleport me. I have the treasure map and the redbeards booty map. I have /killed myself multiple times and went back to the same island, talked to Marston mutiple times, and switched versions and not have seemed to work. Can you find a way to fix this? Thanks.
    Mar 17, 2021
    Pifg and Kahsol like this.
  4. the drink
    the drink
    nobody escapes the backrooms
    Mar 17, 2021