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Comments on Profile Post by Stormarend

  1. Bliss
    I'm convinced that people arguing against Champion are a bunch of commies
    Feb 20, 2021
    ThedumbOX likes this.
  2. Stormarend
    'Commie' isn't quite the insult it used to be. Please do try again.
    Feb 20, 2021
    ThedumbOX likes this.
  3. Bliss
    I'm not trying to insult I'm literally stating facts bro sorry if you've seen it a different way
    Feb 20, 2021
    ThedumbOX likes this.
  4. Stormarend
    I mean the only reply I've got to that is that I'm literally not a communist so I don't really know what to say.
    Feb 20, 2021
    ThedumbOX likes this.
  5. Azu
    Ha, I feel that. No matter how many times you try to explain why PTW junk is unhealthy for a game, they always revert back to the same arguments.
    Feb 20, 2021
    ThedumbOX and Stormarend like this.