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Comments on Profile Post by chocolatte

  1. TrapinchO
    No. Dern is a "realm of influence" that tries to conquer this world. You can see it as an army. ----- The Corruption is created when the influence of Light and Darkness meet, an unstoppable and chaotic force, a good analogy is "nuclear fallout". The Nether used to be a world like ours, a battlefield of RoL and Dern, but it was overrun by the Corruption. (end of part 1)
    Jan 18, 2021
    Kahsol and Samsam101 like this.
  2. TrapinchO
    ----- Dern cannot be stronger due to Corruption's nature. As it can infect Light, it can infect Dern. Whether it happened or not we have not idea, but Dern is definitely not stronger. (end of part 2)
    Jan 18, 2021
    Kahsol and Samsam101 like this.
  3. TrapinchO
    And to answer your unasked question, yes, Bak'al serves Dern Beast, BUT!!! Bak'al is an individual, he does not represent the Corruption. And individuals can ve weaker than other ones.
    ---- https://wynncraft.gamepedia.com/Corruption (end of part 3)
    Jan 18, 2021
    Kahsol and Samsam101 like this.
  4. TrapinchO
    (Jan 2021) And for future reference: If the admins change it, I have no good words for them. Please do not make the Corruption serve Dern. (the end)
    Jan 18, 2021
    Kahsol, Stag2001 and Samsam101 like this.