Honestly, after my first few, I realised very few people want to nitpick, and in general, anything you think is horrible really isn't and only sounds like that since you wrote it. :)
You just get used to it after a while, you just get used to the feedback and stuff, it’s less stressful the more you do it. (The only stressful ones are heated suggestions, featured wynncraftion, and long feedback discussions)
And knowing what not to post, like things everyone has already posted (favorite quest/dungeon, useless poll posts etc.) not saying yours is bad, most are just 1 sentence and that’s it
Im not funny enough for jokes, the only comedy I can do is make comments that are just witty enough you think “oh that’s funny” and move on with your life and never look back
I understand, that was my biggest worry that I’d waste everyone’s time and then everyone would hate me and so on so forth. Thanks to all of you guys for being so chill :)
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