There aren't any classes that are bad to play as. Just play a class that you personally find fun. Warrior falls off endgame compared to other classes, but it is still viable and shouldn't struggle at all with bosses or anything. The main upside of Shaman is the extremely good AOE it has, but you could argue it is kinda boring to just spam one spell..
shaman has a very unique and interesting playstyle centered around its Totem, but the major downside i see to it is AURA PRISON, an ability to Shaman's main damaging spell (Aura) that practically cripples all enemies. as dwicey said, this can cause it to be boring just to spam one spell. when not fully spellspam, the class does become instantly more fun.
Wow guys thank you!
I really wasn't expecting a response or anything because I know the forums are big and there is so much posts, but thank you! No wonder the forums people are so nice ;)
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