As far as I've seen from my messing around and from JLo as well, I've only seen builds at best do ~23K and the sustainability of them would be questionable, I can try to find the one I'm thinking of.
It happens, I honestly think Collapse isn't bad but it being kind of a jack of all trades spear kinda doesn't help it. I am still forever looking for a good Collapse build tho, lol.
This is probably the highest damage Collapse I can find so far with a 23.8K uppercut but it is a little low in the sustainability and Ex Nihilo is getting a -15 def nerf next update as far as I know.
Nevermind about Ex Nihilo, I keep getting the 2 different post nerf Ex Nihilo's mixed up, it still can be used, the only difference is a life steal nerf but it isn't going to kill it really.
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