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Comments on Profile Post by Bart (MC)

  1. bloww
    it keeps recommending me things ive already watched or things completely unrelated to what i watch so thats cool
    Sep 27, 2020
  2. Bart (MC)
    Bart (MC)
    Yeah it seems like it's gone way more towards repeating the exact same videos I've watched before- not similar, mind you, but the exact same. Also the variety seems to have gone down to the point of just checking what you saw yesterday
    Sep 27, 2020
    Official store likes this.
  3. Official store
    Official store
    Okay I’m glad I’m not the only one that noticed this
    Sep 27, 2020
    PlasmaWarrior and Bart (MC) like this.
  4. Yraw
    ive just been getting a bunch of short videos, some weird fucking ships with mc youtubers, and stuff that's just reuploaded
    Sep 27, 2020
    Bart (MC) likes this.
  5. Kahsol
    I hate starting a video and getting hit with a survey, despite how quickly they can be skipped, ruins the *comfy mood*
    Sep 27, 2020
    Bart (MC) likes this.
  6. Shots
    Sep 28, 2020
    Elephat and Kahsol like this.
  7. Elephat