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Comments on Profile Post by Bart (MC)

  1. XavierEXE
    QA is unrelated to my clothes I promise
    Sep 1, 2020
    Kahsol, Castti and Bart (MC) like this.
  2. Bart (MC)
    Bart (MC)
    last time i didn't get hired it was because i wasn't wearing any clothes, i feel like there has to be some relation
    Sep 1, 2020
    Kahsol and XavierEXE like this.
  3. XavierEXE
    that's a good point, I'm fully dressed now so I'm much more desirable to employers
    Sep 1, 2020
    Kahsol and Bart (MC) like this.
  4. Bart (MC)
    Bart (MC)
    maybe i should start looking for some pants. only maybe though
    Sep 1, 2020
    Kahsol and XavierEXE like this.