This was my no pot mage run against all major bosses, but some of them just weren't fun to do and left a sour taste in my mouth because of the restrictions I had put in place (most notably The Eye and Aledar/Tasim).
Saying everything else isn't exactly true, since I did die to a few other bosses, but it's referring to the build I used to win after I stopped having fun with whatever build I was using at the time (or in the case of Psychomancer it was because the gerten ritual mask bugs out if you swap worlds lol).
It seems I didn't learn my lesson from trying to do Flexile Sentry on NG+7 hitless, so remind me to never do this again because it'll probably ruin the game for me. Tbf though it did make a few bosses a lot more enjoyable (Corrupter of Worlds/Arena of Legends/Rotten Passage), but most of them it made them exponentially worse.
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