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Comments on Profile Post by TS_potato

  1. 7DaysAgo
    Rest in rip.
    May 30, 2020
    BqwaOLD and TS_potato like this.
  2. Kahsol
    are they at least passing?
    May 30, 2020
    BqwaOLD and TS_potato like this.
  3. TS_potato
    They're still good grades but too low for my liking
    May 31, 2020
    Mistrise Mystic, BqwaOLD and Kahsol like this.
  4. BqwaOLD
    Our school was like, "aS loNg aS We sEe yoU pUt in eFForT, YoU cAn'T GEt a LoWEr gRadE thaN yoU dId iN Q3." So as long as we attend the online things, we're fine (I survived! :Crab:)
    Jun 5, 2020
    TS_potato likes this.
  5. TS_potato
    I mean... I'm still top of my class with avg. of 8.675 but that's too low for me, I want 9+ avg.

    (I'll blame my art teacher)
    Jun 5, 2020
    Kahsol, Mistrise Mystic and BqwaOLD like this.
  6. BqwaOLD
    Art courses are some of the most useless things in the universe.
    Jun 5, 2020
    TS_potato likes this.
  7. TS_potato
    At least I don't have art for next two years
    Jun 5, 2020
  8. BqwaOLD
    You're European right? You don't have to do art after 8th grade in the USA (at least for my school)
    Jun 5, 2020
    Seraphine_pawn and TS_potato like this.
  9. TS_potato
    Yeah. Don't have to do art and few other subjects after 7th grade.
    Jun 5, 2020