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Comments on Profile Post by Official store

  1. Mekyr
    I hear you have large stockpiles of your famous Jelly..?
    Dec 8, 2019
    Official store likes this.
  2. Official store
    Official store
    yes sir. I’ve got every flavor of jelly, including everything flavored. I heard a rumor from several adventurers that you have big chickens?
    Dec 8, 2019
    Mekyr likes this.
  3. Mekyr
    Big chicken for big jelly. I'm game.
    Dec 8, 2019
    Official store likes this.
  4. Official store
    Official store
    It’s a deal the ships leave at 12AM IGT
    Dec 8, 2019
    Mekyr likes this.
  5. Mekyr
    From which port? I have to transfer my goods to Almuj by river and then over land to Nemract first. Expect your order in 3-4 business days.
    Dec 8, 2019
    Official store likes this.
  6. Official store
    Official store
    Kandon-Beda delivery, they’re just going to push it out of the ship mid flight with a parachute though :/
    Dec 8, 2019
    Mekyr likes this.