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Comments on Profile Post by OwlbearLord

  1. Tezzeret
    The card set was pretty cool. The giant pile of planeswalkers really did a lot to make the set feel special, although I don't like uncommon/rare planeswalkers returning after that (looking at you, Core 20).
    Aug 7, 2019
    OwlbearLord likes this.
  2. Tezzeret
    As for the story: On one hand, the way it was told with the cards was great. The sheer amount of story spotlights, combined with the slow reveals, made for an incredible tale. You got to see every bit of the action as it happened, and the audience was just as invested with the story as the people of Ravnica were.
    Aug 7, 2019
    OwlbearLord likes this.
  3. Tezzeret
    On the other hand? The book sucked. The actual writing was bad, and for a book costing over $10, we get basically nothing that the Story Spotlights didn't tell better. There's simply no reason for the book to exist, beyond petty nostalgia to the earlier days of Magic history.

    Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
    Aug 7, 2019
    OwlbearLord likes this.
  4. OwlbearLord
    Thank you for your opinion. I agree wholeheartedly
    Aug 7, 2019