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Comments on Profile Post by A Human

  1. ExertKarma
    As a reference to my in game character which has those cheap blue and red 3D glasses as part of the skin

    And cuz nii runes r life.
    May 8, 2019
    A Human likes this.
  2. A Human
    A Human
    How many Nii runes do you have?
    May 8, 2019
  3. ExertKarma
    I'd have to recheck but I think I have approximately an almost full inventory, so that would be about 27 slots... So 27×64 cause they're in stacks would be 1,728
    May 8, 2019
  4. A Human
    A Human
    There is a point at which you have too many Nii runes.

    This is far beyond that point.

    (Seriously though how did you get that many)
    May 9, 2019
  5. ExertKarma
    Nahh I haven't gone too far at all... I just grind them when I have nothing to do. I'll stop grinding once I can get a full bank page of nii runes
    May 9, 2019
    A Human likes this.
  6. A Human
    A Human
    What do you plan to do with them?
    May 9, 2019
  7. ExertKarma
    Have them.
    May 9, 2019
    tig and A Human like this.