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Comments on Profile Post by Killoli

  1. Zahr
    Long time no see
    Feb 18, 2019
  2. Aya
    Are you implying Touhou is bad?
    Feb 18, 2019
  3. Killoli
    No, I was simply into it just for the sake of false friendship and in truth, had no correlation or understanding of it at the time. From what I researched, it's just a plain game with an expanded universe on each of the overly-complicated characters that I really don't want to get into. Oh yeah, I "roleplayed" (more or less just had a pfp of) Suika and Flandre.
    Feb 18, 2019
  4. Aya
    Bu-but... the music!
    Feb 19, 2019
  5. Killoli
    I do not care for instrumental music; which is, what I assume the background music for Touhou, correct? To me, I preserve that of the lyric of the music or song. An instrumental to my eye feels like there is a missing string of a guitar, you CAN make it sound nice and fluid to some ears, but to some: it's simply not their taste.
    Feb 21, 2019
  6. Aya
    That's fair
    Touhou music is still superior
    Feb 21, 2019