That would be totally awesome!
There even would be a slight possibitly for that to happen if you go at it the right way. There are actually some german-only servers out there that are bigger than Wynn itself.
However I really doubt that it would actually happen ^^
Salted , I'm sorry for disturbing you like this!
But I do think that we could actually make this happen! Even if only for some languages.
I can assure you that there are many, many Dutch gamers on your server - probably German too.
Most younger players don't really speak English too well and would miss out on a large part of the experience.
If you are interested in adding a Dutch IP with a few servers - assuming the costs for that could be covered, I gladly offer WynnCraft my translating services.
I am, by no means, a professional translator.
A proof-reader or two should be able to take out any mistakes, though.
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