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Comments on Profile Post by T-Flex

  1. Bigsnugglebunny
    I remember you as ectoplasmic goo! :D oooh I made a rhyme too! glad to be back xx
    Mar 8, 2018
    Creecreeprs and T-Flex like this.
  2. T-Flex
    Good rhymes :) not sure if you are back or just checking things out, but it's really nice to see a familiar face. I hope you and your family are doing well.
    Mar 8, 2018
    Bigsnugglebunny likes this.
  3. Bigsnugglebunny
    We are doing great thanks, it’s been a busy couple of years - feels like it’s gone too fast to be honest! How are things with you? Xx
    Mar 9, 2018
    T-Flex likes this.
  4. T-Flex
    I'm glad to hear that! Been busy too, finishing my bachelors right now, that's mostly it.
    And I agree about time going by too fast!
    Mar 9, 2018