That's really lovely @Kukki_Chan
I agree, it can seem a bit daunting at first, don't let the negativity of a few people make your judgement on the rest of us :) there are some nice people playing Wynn :3
@Stormarend,please be kind. The forums are a place to be nice, not to insult people, like you did to me when I announced that I might quit the forums. It's is the truth, yet it should not be.
I can accept it, but I'm saying that people shouldn't be cruel to people who aren't as invested in a game that's imaginary with people who might as well not exist in your life, no offense to any of you.
There have been multiple ones of my ideas (the first two actually) while they may have been bad ideas, I have found people straight cussing me and the idea out, or just criticizing without feedback. Please, let's not continue any longer.
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