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Comments on Profile Post by Aya

  1. TurtleTheSeawing
    How could Xavier ever disappoint with his music?
    Dec 10, 2017
    XavierEXE likes this.
  2. Aya
    thats why i said you better not disappoint us

    because if he does, the universe collapses
    Dec 11, 2017
  3. Aya
    now he better not touch the goddamn dungeon music
    they are the only thing i dont wanna see touched
    Dec 11, 2017
  4. TurtleTheSeawing
    Oi, thing is, he has made beutiful music, and I'm in the beta, and his music is sooooooo goood, so take my word on it.

    Personally, his best song is "Tale of the Century" but there's a ton of good music other than that song.
    Dec 11, 2017
    SpadenadeZ1, Aya and XavierEXE like this.
  5. Aya
    i only hope the dungeon music stays like it is
    the only songs he has made i didnt really like where the dungeon ones
    specially because they didnt mix together
    Dec 11, 2017