can't be az lore, "Mysterious runes guarded by even more mysterious figures, were once moulded together for study purposes. The experiment went awry, as the the runic words Nii, Az, and Ek were combined in a reaction that resulted in the collapse of a civilization."
Uth isn't mentioned in this, 3 of the 5 are tho (rip Tol)
but ye probs new mythic in bound.
destruction isn't a word you'd normally see on your average every day air items. Air items are supposed to be more fast but does less damage, as stated on the wiki.
EDIT: wait nvm thats thunder
cata tho
The runes Az Ek and Nii represent Thunder, Fire, Water because Az's lore describes their combination and Az has Thunder, Fire, and Water % damage. So we know it is either Earth or Air. The Tol rune is also green colored, which means that Uth is likely Air.
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