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Comments on Profile Post by Zelefant

  1. CountBurn
    maybe the story was ruined but the gameplay is still awesome in halo 5 and 4, but yea 1 - 3 had an great story and reach had the most fun missions out of all of the games in my opinion
    Aug 20, 2017
    Seraphine_pawn and BusyEXE like this.
  2. Zelefant
    Multiplayer was fine in 5 but they tried to replace john as main character and it ruined it all
    Aug 20, 2017
    Seraphine_pawn likes this.
  3. CountBurn
    is just like halo 2 where you play some missions as the arbiter and you see the covenants view, but locke was not as cool as the arbiter really and, they actually kind of did a good job at showing the other side of the story in my view but everyone else didnt like it
    Aug 20, 2017
    Seraphine_pawn likes this.
  4. Whitethemelover8
    I’m level 114 in halo 5 and I only got my first mythic at 103, lmao I’m so unlucky (I have like 120 warzone games and 500 something slayer games)
    Oct 30, 2017
    Seraphine_pawn likes this.