Ahahahahahah so funny and original.
Seriously, i understand why the hate is there, but calling the object itself "cancer" is stupid and most people say that just to look cool.
"Yeah, that thing is cancer cause it's popular"
its not cancer (what description is that even) but im getting very annoyed when every fking one of my friends is spinning that shit while talking to me
same, i mean i dont blame the thing but the fact that my entire class cant live without one of these just makes me want to destroy that thing... also i never called it cancer, just annoying as hell
i was making an example pal. If you dont like people using it while they talk to you you can simply say "hey, could you please stop using that thing while we're talking?" It's not hard.
But many people prefer trowing shit at the toy itself (yes, because it's a fucking TOY that people can use as time breaker) while the real problem are the people making useless videos about it on YT (just close YT if it triggers you so much)
yeah... if my class dont give a fuck about half what my teachers tell, i doubt that can be possible
i dont have a problem with it being popular, i have a problem with people not being able to live without them
oh i also forgot to mention people is retarded enough to put these spinners knives and try to stop it with their hands
again, i have no problem with it, but when it starts affecting both my patience and people use it to hurt themselves is when the thing becomes bad
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