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Oct 26, 2015
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July 24
In the land of the Garmoth
BabyMetal x Naruto


Be Mindful, Female, from In the land of the Garmoth


I’ve been away over the summer however not back at all. If you need appeals sorted, please contact other mods or Salkasm. Ty :) Nov 7, 2019

    1. BeeMiner
      Yesterdy, gud DC weather. Saw Washington mt vernon, FDR mem, M Luthr King mem, jefferson mem. Smithsonian AirSpace museum. Zzzz by 11pm est
      1. naybelline and LarzLapiz like this.
    2. BeeMiner
      1st 36hrs awake: from flight its a bus & walkg tour to memorials: Washinton, WW2, IwoJima, Ford Theatre, Arlington Cem, Tomb Unknown Soldier
      1. Pokextreme
        I can tell
        Jun 25, 2017
        BeeMiner likes this.
    3. BeeMiner
      I'll be taking a few books about http://imgur.com/a/Ag4Pi when I have some down time on trip to DC Philadelphia & NY. Be back in a week :D
      1. LarzLapiz likes this.
    4. BeeMiner
      Soz for the backlog of updates: this is the second cave (Brute Cave) explored after the Swamp cave http://imgur.com/gP0KKS1
      1. Pokextreme and LarzLapiz like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. BeeMiner
        Jun 23, 2017
        Pokextreme and LarzLapiz like this.
      4. LarzLapiz
        10 seconds of blackout? damn
        Jun 23, 2017
      5. BeeMiner
        LOL .. affects dinos only ... Bam was riding his Argent to aggro the Yutyranosaur.. his roar sent the argent bird flying straight up to the sky, while it was pitch black for Bam (well our mount's vision is what we see).
        Jun 23, 2017
        Pokextreme and LarzLapiz like this.
    5. BeeMiner
      1. LarzLapiz likes this.
      2. LarzLapiz
        dead island wynncraft :O?
        Jun 23, 2017
      3. BeeMiner
        Jun 23, 2017
        LarzLapiz likes this.
      4. BeeMiner
        @LarzLapiz ARK: yup basically a very deadly island teeming with the worst carnivores on a little island footprint. No vegans here xDD
        Jun 23, 2017
        LarzLapiz likes this.
    6. ThatGuyDemise
      hello beeminer sorry if this is not the right place for it but one of my quest items are missing and /fixquest does not work on it, the quest in question is Wynn Excavation Site A the quest wont progress past the ''taking the translated text back to vade'' bit as I am missing the actual text please help and once again sorry if this isn't the place for things like this but I am new to this form.
      1. BeeMiner
        I started a conversation with you about this issue xD
        Jun 22, 2017
    7. BeeMiner
    8. BeeMiner
      1. kemblebee
        Anything for a fellow bee yo
        Jun 17, 2017
    9. BeeMiner
      1. coolname2034 and LarzLapiz like this.
      2. BeeMiner
        Jun 14, 2017
        coolname2034 and LarzLapiz like this.
    10. BeeMiner
      Every so often my name is misunderstood. I love Bees, and my IGN has to do with Im a Bee who loves Mining in mInecraft.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Dakota
        Wait, so you're not working deep in the mines, trying to find ores of bees to grow their dying population?
        Jun 11, 2017
        coolname2034 and kemblebee like this.
      3. Dakota
        I gotta say, I lost a bit of respect for you today
        Jun 11, 2017
        coolname2034 likes this.
      4. kemblebee
        Jun 11, 2017
        coolname2034 likes this.
    11. _Hallie_
      BeeMiner Im _ Hallie _ Without the space May u help me? im so so so so stuck And i posted a thread about my Situiation and nobody helped Please help me?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. _Hallie_
        I Did everything, i tried everything, the proplem is when it activates a scene the server lagged and stopped
        and i need to complete the scene to complete the quest...i tried getting back to the Basement of the church and i enterd the Room behind the Golem Guard i Activated the Scene again and it didint work i got back to Alem and it only said "Leave" "I Warned You..."
        Jun 9, 2017
      3. Zelefant
        Jun 9, 2017
      4. BeeMiner
        I'm starting you a convo (check your inbox) about the Grave Mistake quest hitch. If you have solved the issue, please let me know in that convo. In future, please use the "question" section or github section, as profile posts are not meant for such issues. The Wynncraft discord server is also a place to pose "in-the-moment" issues.
        Jun 9, 2017
    12. BeeMiner
      1. coolname2034 and LarzLapiz like this.
      2. LarzLapiz
        that looks awesome
        Jun 6, 2017
        coolname2034 and BeeMiner like this.
      3. BeeMiner
        Jun 23, 2017
        LarzLapiz likes this.
    13. coolname2034
      I'm making a documentary on bees for a project
      1. BeeMiner likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. coolname2034
        I hate that meme so fucking much
        Jun 6, 2017
        Hephaestus likes this.
      4. Moss
        Jun 6, 2017
      5. Nepeta Leijon
        Nepeta Leijon
        iit'2 hiip two fuck bee2
        Jun 6, 2017
        coolname2034 likes this.
    14. pantsTM
      No bees, no pollination. No pollination, no wheat. No wheat, no garlic bread.
      1. coolname2034, Pokextreme and BeeMiner like this.
      2. BeeMiner
        Jun 5, 2017
        coolname2034 and Pokextreme like this.
    15. JackyKit
      1. BeeMiner likes this.
      2. BeeMiner
        @JackyKit Now i'm inspired to paint a watercolor Bee - a bit of water sloshing around with pigment xD. Are you an artist as well?
        May 28, 2017
      3. JackyKit
        nope im not, just saw that vid on YT :D
        May 28, 2017
        BeeMiner likes this.
    16. BeeMiner
      @iTsAmaZe Thank you for my 2300th like xD Long time no hear, understandably.. but you can still be on here. Stay in touch through @DanDYolo
      1. Bam, iTsAmaZe and DanDYolo like this.
    17. BeeMiner
      May15 Indigo collected 100K cementing paste from Swamp cave. Made Bee deliriously happy -- not from sniffing http://imgur.com/WBZ54GD xD
      1. Bam and LarzLapiz like this.
      2. LarzLapiz
        lol (not from sniffing) :p
        May 18, 2017
        Bam and BeeMiner like this.
      3. Luigi McDingle
        Luigi McDingle
        I didn't understand a word I just read.
        May 19, 2017
        pantsTM, BeeMiner and Bam like this.
    18. Mrs Sara
    19. IceCreamTruck
      1. BeeMiner likes this.
    20. Melted
      EYE can BEE your HERO BABEE!
      1. BeeMiner likes this.
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  • About

    July 24
    In the land of the Garmoth
    BabyMetal x Naruto
    Yeh, it's still me .. Day & Night


    January 29, 2018 Slapped with an Avocado! Thank you for the invite to the QA team!

    December 2017 new Asus Strix laptop / Acer 144Hz monitor/ G203/302 mouse

    Jan 24, 2017 My PC set up: just found out that there is a thread to post pics and stats. Around November 2016 Bam helped me build a PC from CyberPowerPC, and move gaming from Macbook Air. It was to be comparable in cost if I were to buy an iMac with similar graphic power & memory capacities. I was tired of getting kicked from Wynn 20x a day, and not being able to have more than 2 apps open (Wynn/Safari). The day I became Mod, I resolved to get a better computer. There was no way I could have OBS, Google chrome with multiple tabs, Wynn, Skype & Discord open at the same time:

    My only wish now is to have +100 download speeds.

    The Thanksgiving/Christmas season is all a big blur. All I know is that when people are awake, I'm sleeping. When I'm sleeping, its daytime outside xD

    November 26, 2016
    Bee got a Bee


    11/26/16 I need a Hero! 1:1 Msg:Like Ratio

    November 8, 2016
    LEVEL 100 !! In an unexpected way ..

    October 28, 2016
    Passed my Trials! Full Mod in town ;p

    October 9/10, 2016: Completed Fantastic Voyage & Fortuneteller

    October 7th, 2016: Holy Smokes: I got invited as Trial Mod. Odnod is my compadre in this! Suddenly, I feel very nervous with such a big responsibility. I'll do my best learning from the best to be a great Mod! XOXO

    October 5/6th, 2016: Finally tried 70% of the new Altars with Bam. Thanks to Putrid on sound advice, and to the threads posted by the discoverers of these Altars!

    Sept 22, 2016 Visit to Rayshyroth:

    September 16th, 2016
    Mage 98 &

    ??? Quest Completed
    (Mucho thanks to Penguin7922, Bam7264, DarkTheDino and RottenEggz)

    September 3rd 2016 Mage 95 [​IMG]

    Ethnicity does not matter to me but if you look really hard in all my posts, you can discover mine! I grew up and travelled to many countries when I was a kid/teen and studied the "O" levels and then did my International Baccalaureate at an International school in Singapore. Did my University/College in Southern California. Community College in Photography. I love art, reading, dance, photography, cooking and traveling. I have a younger brother. I began watching YT Minecraft videos of Etho and CoeStar in MC Let's Plays in Beta and got interested in Minecraft - only in creative.

    Sept. 16, 2015: my first MMORPG - Wynncraft.
    Introduced to it by IGN ziyimonkey! The forums is my second family! I'm learning much wisdom, tricks of the trade, new languages, a shoulder to cry on, shared exciting finds and deals in trades. I wish i could spend every in-game moment with every friend I have made on this server, but I can't! So Forums is a way to keep in touch! Even trades have turned to some best friends. Huge hugs and kisses to YOU!

    I've always had this skin (clouds and sky for the head, sun trees lake and sailboat for the daytime torso) since i started MC early 2015.

    Favs ~

    Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy
    Monty Python
    Terry Pratchett - Discworld books
    Potter everything
    Hobbit/Lord of The Rings
    Scott Westerfeld
    William Gibson
    Neil Gaiman
    Game of Thrones
    Van Gogh Monet O'Keefe
    Klimt Klee Magritte Miro
    Cartier-Bresson Kertesz Nachtweh Lange McKenna
    Dark Chocolate & Raspberries
    Shrimp & Crispy Bacon
    Bavarian Weisswurst
    Pistachio n Coffee Ice Cream
    MC: Dark Oak Forest/ Blue Orchids
    Doctor Who - David Tennant & Matt Smith
    Torchwood - John Barrowman
    MC ~ Coestar Etho Guude VintageBeef kurtjmac docm77
    Chocolate Labrador
    Hadrien / Irises
    Rare find: Valley of the Pink Sheep




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