Wow, our guild is so weird. Let's look at the main members. A Pokemon, a scarf blue thingy, a monkey, and me, a yellow lizard thing with crippling depression
Pokémon are stronger and more intelligent than humans. Just look at my good friend Alakazam with an IQ of 5000. Or my friend Metagross who has the intelligence of a supercomputer.
First of all, Pokemon haven't made any life changing inventions, unlike the great men in history like Albert Einstein, bill gates, Steve jobs, Thomas Edison, I could go on. Also, I'd like to remind you that antikythera supercomputer can talk, while metagross can't.
But anyway, I have no idea why I'm defending humans, because in one timeline, a human fell and committed genocide against all the monsters. In fact, in a fan made timeline, a human killed me, right here:
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