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Comments on Profile Post by HappyMcDoodle

  1. Foxey
    huehue *fuck*
    May 7, 2017
    Bad Username and HappyMcDoodle like this.
  2. Bad Username
    Bad Username
    (Aww yiss, didn't notice I and Happie were on the shipping wall too

    (Ok feel free to hurt me))
    May 7, 2017
    HappyMcDoodle likes this.
  3. HappyMcDoodle
    And my name is "misspelled" there too
    May 7, 2017
    Colin7arn and Bad Username like this.
  4. Bad Username
    Bad Username
    You know what to say, Happie.
    What we both spammed in private a few months ago...
    May 7, 2017
    Foxey and HappyMcDoodle like this.
  5. HappyMcDoodle
    MY. NAME. IS. BERRIE!!!!!!!
    Not "Asylum"!
    May 7, 2017
    Colin7arn, Foxey and Bad Username like this.
  6. Foxey
    May 7, 2017
    Bad Username and HappyMcDoodle like this.
  7. Bad Username
    Bad Username
    You haven't seen anything...
    May 7, 2017
    HappyMcDoodle likes this.
  8. Colin7arn
    Why is The getting so triggered about this?
    May 7, 2017
  9. Colin7arn
    I am sorry, I'll lead myself out
    May 7, 2017