Well actually, in a recent study, Scientist have begun to doubt that theory through what is known as Cognitive Dissonance, or, the idea that there are little particles in this universe that could possibly spread thoughts to one another! Look at this Picture for example, what do you see? Well, if you answered a dog, then you are right, but, this picture was shown to people
in europe, and only 10% of them got the answer right, it was THEN showed to the same number of people in north america, and the number of correct answers sky-rocketed to a giant 16%, so scientist have started to theorize that the same is for the Round Earth theory,
people started talking about it, and it slowly spread through the air until everyone believed it to be true, even when it clearly isn't as the earth is a Stegosaurus!
Hey Vsauce! Colin here, now you may be wondering what is a stegosaurus well, obviously its the shape of our planet, but WHAT is a stegosaurus? Well recently, archaeologists discovered the bones of some creature
, in the shape of a cross, bringing up many rumours, like: Why would someone put PineApple on pizza, and How the heck do you eat Ketchup without it being paired with a food,
and I am here to answers these questions: The Goverement is watching us and our every move, and that the so-called bones are theorized to be one of the ancient gods
: A dinosaur, which are long extinct, and the one in particular when its bones are formed together, seemingly forms the shape of our earth, and how do we know what our earth is shaped like? Because we aren't IDIOTS, and we are smart enough to not need proof, after all: They know that we know, it isn't long before they come,
the shape of the other Legendary Gods: Dinosaurs, Mars, being a T-Rex, and the last planet Pluto being a: You must find an escape, its already too late for me but you still have a chance, run while you can. However if this is true or not, is still be discussed at NASA, Thats all VSauce, thanks for watching!
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