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Comments on Profile Post by Zepic

  1. SoloSnuggles
    It'd be weird if he flat out left me after already staying with me for a year with nu problem
    but if he did, it would be more than just leaving, it'd be losing a bestfriend and a partner in crime. :/

    o and I wouldn't have anyone to snort cocaine with. .-.
    Mar 16, 2017
  2. Zepic
    Can I get some of that cocaine? Anyway, that would be pretty sad but Hippie is a nice guy he wouldn't leave you. If he did then I'm sure he would have a perfectly good reason (not since he's a narwhal) thank you for answering
    Mar 16, 2017
    Mrs Sara and SoloSnuggles like this.
  3. SoloSnuggles
    heck ye. but yeah heep is the best ^.^
    Mar 16, 2017
    AetherArising, Mrs Sara and Zepic like this.
  4. Mrs Sara
    Mrs Sara
    I feel the same way about ganny bre minus the cocaine part
    Mar 17, 2017
    Plasma~ and SoloSnuggles like this.
  5. SoloSnuggles
    ahhh you guys prefer crack huh?

    jkjk heep told me to say this xD
    Mar 17, 2017
    Killerfish, Zepic and Mrs Sara like this.
  6. Mrs Sara
    Mrs Sara
    Omg xD
    Mar 17, 2017
    SoloSnuggles likes this.
  7. Zepic
    I'll take both
    Mar 17, 2017
    SoloSnuggles likes this.