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Comments on Profile Post by LarzLapiz

  1. orange0401
    I decided to share it, but the amount of people telling me it's fucking bad despite the extensive pvp testing I would do seriously pissed me off, and I just don't want to deal with that shit right now.
    Mar 7, 2017
  2. orange0401
    Likewise, the amount of people saying that it can't win against the fucking builds that LITERALLY COUNTER the build is too fucking much.
    Mar 7, 2017
    JaydonTheWarrior, Sku and LarzLapiz like this.
  3. orange0401
    They then attribute the above statement to show that my build is "bad".
    If they think it's so bad, I'm not gonna share it, and those that remember it, great for them.
    Mar 7, 2017
  4. LarzLapiz
    it actually is a pretty nice (but standard) melee build i dont really know why you go so much crap out of it
    Mar 7, 2017
    Killerfish likes this.
  5. Sku
    It wasn't even bad, it dealt crap loads of damage and it was pretty tanky with decent walk speed.

    Of course it could not beat kiting tank mages but then again, how does an assassin beat a kiting tank mage in the first place?
    Mar 7, 2017
    Killerfish and LarzLapiz like this.
  6. Tomix
    Melee builds are useless for duels unless you duel only people who accept duels on flat place where they can't hide from you ;)
    Mar 7, 2017
    Stag2001 likes this.
  7. orange0401
    @Tomix the build excels even more in terrainee areas. In cities, I'm impossible to run from, (except for camping archers) and vanish and run allows me to Regen hp and mana really quickly. So basically, this build is even better in cities like detlas.
    Mar 26, 2017