right, okay, so there's this fish. this fish has wings and wears a blue shirt, ya? so this fish is talking to the crow. and out of the blue the crow goes "hehe xD." except, like, the fish gets triggered. so he starts spasming and screams something while flopping around in the air. *flop* hEHe yOur *flop* A cU-*flop*-Tie x3 *FLopS bE-*flop*-siDE u anD *flop* nUzZLeS*
then the crow goes "wtf" but accepts it after a few seconds of ಠ_ಠ. so then anyway the crow's all like "aww das cute" and nuzzles the fish back and goes *rawr* and pounces on the fish except a split second later the crow feels something and goes ಠ_ಠ again and then "OwO whats this?"
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