Except that im not playing any more :/ Also - whenever ive been on there never seems to be anyone in the nether, how do you find enough people to kill?
It's no longer to kill a player one by one, one id called poison could kill them 3 times because /3s, the health of some lvl is smaller than my poison tho. Meanwhile an uppercut can kill them 3 times because uppercut got 3 damage hit per one, +poison /3s, 6kills on 1 low lvl player, it's easy right now. But the fun of pvp in nether is fading out.......
Oh ye i forgot about that... in which case i accuse you of simply bugging your way past me :P But in all seriousness if its just a case of either hitting someone first and killing them with the poison, or being hit first and dying to the poison it does take the fun out of it.
Especially with something like warrior where to hit someone you have your aoe scream and the ability to just charge right at them as well. The pre-gavel nether wasn't perfect as course, there were plenty things that were annoying then as well, but it was a lot more balanced than it is nowadays. I used to play my level 40 hunter against the lvl 75s and win :D
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